I rolled out of bed in the morning, wearing my comfy red jammy shirt, looking forward to that long sojourn in the toilet, when it happened. The doorbell rang. I opened it to have a bundle of soggy female in my arms.
It was Curiosity. Yes the FEELING curiosity, thank you for asking. And she was blubbering all over me. It was like standing in a Cardiff downpour with an umbrella...( since the umbrellas break all the time) I was drenched. My poor Jammy shirt.
" I didn't dooooo it!" she wailed.
"Do what?"
"You haven't heard?" She looked up at me wide eyed, briefly stopping the watery seige she was laying on my favourite shirt. "They're saying I killed the cat...Spite said that they're going to jail me! That I'll be found guilty for sure!"
"Oh...that..." Jeez...
" I was wondering if I could hide out here? Under your kitchen sink?" She looked around a bit frantically. "They'll be here any minute!"
I nodded and let her crawl under my kitchen sink. That was the advantage of being a demi-goddess...you could crawl in anywhere. If I had that power cleaning the bathroom would be sooo much easier. Mr. Shine might not be that needed anymore.
She lasted four days...suddenly all the pest traps I had were full...guess she wasn't sticking to feline murder.
I rolled out of bed, looking forward to a long sojourn in the toilet, when it happened again. A scream and some frantic scrabbling. I ran into the kitchen wondering what the **** was going on...I saw two bums sticking out of the cabinet under my sink. No not homeless bums....two literal backsides (clothed like duh). I guessed they were demi-god backsides.
One of the backsides moved...after much wiggling, a head followed it out. Yup...another demi-god. This time it was Judgment, his Judge's Wig hair mussed from the squished atmosphere of the cabinet-under-the-sink.
"We're here to get Curiousity. But she wiggled up a pipe. Stereotype, is helping me arrest her."
So I watched the proceedings...curiously...well what can I say? My sink-guest had rubbed off on me. Finally Two hours later, she was out and cuffed and ushered off wailing.
I rolled out of bed in the morning, wearing my comfy red jammy shirt,looking forward to that long sojourn in the toilet, when it happened. The doorbell rang. I opened it to have a bundle of soggy male in my arms.
"They're saying I trangressed into God's territory...I brought the cat back!!!" Satisfaction looked at me with wide tear filled eyes.
I'm happy that Ihaven't suffered a cruciate ligament rapture or an achilles tendon rapture yet. I know that has nothing to do with it, but anyway. Don't worry, be happy!